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Details /inventory/pwu

/inventory/pwu - Partnet Center - [Default template]
PPP INT target endpoint:
PPP E2E/KIT target endpoint:

Response ID Description Request-Include Template Model Content-Type Encoding
getSubscriptionsForParty-CUSTOMER_100100100 [parse] [view] Get subscriptions for customer with id 100100100
  • POST: getSubscriptionsForPartyRequest
  • POST: 100100100
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: false
  • POST: true
application/xml utf-8
getProductsForSubscription-CUSTOMER_100100100 [parse] [view] Get products for subscription with customer id 100100100
  • POST: getProductsForSubscriptionRequest
  • POST: false
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: 43
  • POST: 3452
  • POST: 84788
application/xml utf-8
getSubscriptionsForParty-CUSTOMER_108080890 [parse] [view] Get subscriptions for customer with id 108080890
  • POST: getSubscriptionsForPartyRequest
  • POST: 108080890
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: false
  • POST: true
application/xml utf-8
getProductsForSubscription-CUSTOMER_108080890 [parse] [view] Get products for subscription with customer id 108080890
  • POST: getProductsForSubscriptionRequest
  • POST: false
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: 43
  • POST: 9740
  • POST: 10020304
application/xml utf-8
getSubscriptionsForParty-CUSTOMER_101204483 [parse] [view] Get subscriptions for customer with id 101204483
  • POST: getSubscriptionsForPartyRequest
  • POST: 101204483
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: false
  • POST: true
application/xml utf-8
getProductsForSubscription-CUSTOMER_101204483 [parse] [view] Get products for subscription with customer id 101204483
  • POST: getProductsForSubscriptionRequest
  • POST: false
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: true
  • POST: CC>43
  • POST: NDC>1
  • POST: SN>7670653
application/xml utf-8
productOfferings [parse] [view] All product offerings
  • POST: getProductOfferingsRequest
application/xml utf-8